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GENERAL REMARKS The Auto Club Nazionale delle Forze di Polizia (A.C.N.F.P.) announce and organize the 6th CHALLENGE EUROPEO RALLY POLIZIE - 2004 in collaboration with the Organizers of the scheduled races, with STYLMARTIN, TUTTO RALLY PIU’ and SABELT. The Challenge wants to promote the motor-sport reserved to all national and international Police Forces and intends award prizes to the drivers and co-drivers taking part in the Challenge races with cars of A or N, KIT, WRC, SO groups.
ART 1. - ADMITTED DRIVERS The following drivers can take part in the Challenge: - Italian drivers, members of the Police Forces in possession of a driving license valid for 2004 and issued by C.S.A.I. (Commissione Sportiva Automobilistica Italiana) - foreign drivers, members of the Police Forces in possession of the driving license valid for 2004, duly issued by the Sports Authorities of their own countries. N.B.: The drivers of the European Community or belonging to similar countries dont’need the authorization of the National Sports Authorities; while it is compulsory for the drivers of other countries. CHARACTERISTICS OF THE 1st DRIVER AND OF THE 2nd DRIVER (CO-DRIVER) 1st DRIVER: the 1st driver must be, or had to be a member (in this second case at the moment retired with state life allowance) of the Italian or foreign Police Forces (Carabinieri, Custom Officers, State Police, Foresters, Prison Police, Town Police). He can also be a member of the Fire Brigade, of the Armed Forces on active duty, or he can be a qualified official on active duty of the Traffic Police. (see art. 12 of the Traffic Code). The 1st driver MUST BE a Contributing Member € 50,00 or driver of the A.C.N.F.P. € 100,00. 2nd DRIVER: it is not compulsory for him to be a member of the Italian or foreign Police Forces. The 2nd driver CAN BE a Member of the A.C.N.F.P. € 100,00 if he belongs to the Police Forces, or he can be a Contributing Member € 50,00 if he belongs to the Police Forces but is a member of other racing teams, or if he doesn’t belong to the Police Forces. The A.C.N.F.P. intends to control the observance of these requisites during each event, providing for the exclusion of the crew from the score in case of no fulfilment.
ART. 2 - ENTRIESThe 1st Driver can apply to enter in the Challenge in any moment of the Sports Calendar. The entry will be considered valid only if attached to the following enclosures: A) Challenge entry fee € 155,00 per Italian crew; € 100,00 per foreign crew. B) Membership fee (Driver Member € 100,00; Co-driver Member € 50,00; Drivers members of other racing teams € 50,00). C) The Program of the events (races) 2004D) The Challenge application form, which must be duly filled up, with following enclosures: passport photo, copy of a personal document or copy of a personal document attesting the membership to a Police Corp;E) The A.C.N.F.P application form, which must be duly filled up (It is not necessary if the driver is already a member) F) The declaration of acceptance/no acceptance of the compulsory advertising. After the entry procedures, the 1st Driver will receive the presents provided for circular letter. The Challenge application form with the enclosures must be sent to the A.C.N.F.P. Secretariat by registered letter 30 days before the date of the 1st scheduled race. The A.C.N.F.P. Secretariat reserves itself the unobjectionable right to accept it. THE ENTRY TO EACH RACE MUST BE CONFIRMED BY TELEGRAMM OR TELEFAX OR AN E-MAIL BEGINNING FROM THE DAY OF THE OPENING OF THE ENTRIES. The telefax arrival dates and arrival times will be written in the Telefax Daybook of the Secretariat Office. The A.C.N.F.P. Secretariat Office will then take care of sending the entries to the Organizer. NOTE 1: during the Challenge the 1st driver can replace the car, or the group or the class, notifying it at the moment of the entry confirmation. The replacement will not imply the loss of the gained score.
ART. 3 - FACILITIESThe entry for the Challenge (art. 2) gives the right to benefit by the facilities provided for each race scheduled in the Sports Calendar, except for the insurance tax of RC between drivers, and/or the free hotel accommodation, if the Organizer provides for them. The hotel accommodation, if provided by the Organizer, is reserved with right of priority to the A.C.N.F.P. 'S drivers and to the foreign drivers. As some events provide a restricted number of entries with facilities it is necessary to respect the PRIORITY RIGHT appointed by the arrival date and arrival time of the confirmation of the participation in the race. The non-utilisation of the hotel reserved by the Organizer MUST BE COMMUNICATED to the Race Secretariat Office and to the A.C.N.F.P. Secretariat 3 days before the beginning of the free accommodation. The non-cancellation of the hotel booking in the above-mentioned terms will imply the payment by the driver for the reserved days. N.B. Some Organizers offer these facilities ONLY to the official crews of the ACN Forze di Polizia, to the foreign teams, to the Official Ministries’ teams. The facilities are not granted to the crews entered for the Challenge, members of racing teams different from that of the POLICE FORCES.
ART. 4 – ADVERTISING ACCEPTANCE OF THE ADVERTISING: The drivers will compulsory place on the breast of their fireproof suit the Challenge sponsors' badge and on their cars the stickers and the trade-marks of the sponsors of the Challenge. The A.C.N.F.P. will supply with no costs the sponsors’ stickers, which must be placed on the spots, as shown on the enclosed drawing. The badge with the sponsors of the Challenge must not be divided or sectioned. The non-application of the sponsors stickers and of the Official Challenge Plate, if pointed out by the photos which will be taken during the race and then which must compulsory sent to the A.C.N.F.P. Secretariat as per art 5, will imply the non-assignment of the score obtained in that race as per art 6. NON-ACCEPTANCE OF THE ADVERTISING: Who doesn't accept the compulsory advertising of the Challenge must pay a double entry fee: € 310,00. N.B.: The drivers entered for the Challenge and at the same time also entered for the several Trade-mark Trophies can benefit by a departure in favour of the Trade-mark Trophies in case their advertising is not compatible to those of the Challenge.
ART. 5 - RIGHT OF THE IMAGES The A.C.N.F.P. reserves itself the right to use the images of the Challenge (cars and crews) and the score obtained by the crews, for the advertising, without any retribution. It is compulsory to send by REGISTERED LETTER WITH ADVICE OF RECEIPT a picture of the car taken during the race for each event the car was entered for, after the end of the event itself. This picture must represent the front 3/4 of the car in action.
ART. 6 - PENALITIES AND SUSPENSIONS The cancellation of the obtained score in the race valid for the Challenge will be effected in case the conditions at the art.1, 2, and 4 are not respected. If the conditions at the art. 5 are not respected this will cause the assignment of half of the gained score for that particular event valid for the Challenge. The A.C.N.F.P. reserves itself the authority to suspend from the Challenge and from its Results the 1st drivers that has incurred in penalties imposed directly by C.S.A.I. or its delegates, which are heavier than the fine foreseen by RNS or by rules of the Foreign Federation. ART. 7 - VALID TRIALS AND COEFFICIENTS:- 7-8/05 18th Rally of the Police Forces - Alto Friuli – (Italy) coeff. 3 - 5-6/06 49th Rallye Int. Police, Gendarmerie, Police Judiciairie, – (Belgium) coeff. 2 - 10-11/07 24thInternational Rally of Casentino (Italy) coeff. 2 - 6-8/08 International Budapest Rallye (Hungheria)*** coeff. 3 - 22-24/10 Rallye d’Antibes – Rallye d’Azur (France) coeff. 3 - One international rally choosen by the1st Driver and not included in this calendar coeff. 1 - ***= awaiting for confirmation and facilities. N.B.: The dates of each race can change . The Challenge will end within 30th November 2004. The final Sports Calendar with notes of each race is the standard for the offered facilities. N.B.: IT IS POSSIBLE THAT DURING THE YEAR THE DATES OF THE RACES AND THE FACILITIES OFFERED BY THE ORGANIZING COMMITTEES WILL CHANGE. The Secretariat of the Challenge will inform the crews that want to entry for a specific race about these changes.
a) Valid scores for the Class Results SCHEDULE “A” NUMBER OF STARTING CREWS FOR EACH CLASS IN EACH RACE - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CLASS. 20 o ≥ 16-19 13-15 11-12 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1st place 21 19 17 15 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 2nd place 18 16 14 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 3rd place 16 14 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 4th place 14 13 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 5th place 13 12 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 6th place 12 11 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 7th place 11 10 8 7 6 5 4 3 8th place 10 9 7 6 5 4 3 9th place 9 8 6 5 4 3 10thplace 8 7 5 4 3 11thplace 7 6 4 3 12thplace 6 5 3 3 13thplace 5 4 3 14thplace 4 3 3 15thpla 3 3 3 and more ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Class Scores is the product of the scores in the schedule A by the race coefficient. EXSAMPLE: (A x coefficient)= class score.
b) Valid scores for the Absolute Results
CLASSIFICATION 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 or more - 1st place 20 19 18 17 15 13 11 9 7 6 2nd place 17 16 15 14 12 10 8 7 5 3rd place 15 14 13 12 10 8 6 5 4th place 13 12 11 10 8 6 5 5th place 11 10 9 8 6 5 6th place 9 8 7 6 5 7th place 8 7 6 5 8th place 7 6 5 9th place 6 5 10thplace 5 P.S. after the 11th place, points 4 disregarding the position
*The Race Score of the Absolute Results is the sum of the scores of the schedule A and the scores of the schedule B, multiplied by the race coefficient. Example: (A + B) x coefficient= Race score. N.B. *Also the co-driver (with the features of the 1st driver) entered for the Challenge competes, even if the driver hasn’t got these features.
BONUS FOR THE ABSOLUTE RESULTS: If a crew placed itself at the 1st, 2nd,3rd, 4th, 5th absolute place of the scheduled race, the total score obtained according to the two schedules will be multiplied by 1,5 – 1,3 – 1,2 – 1,1 -1,05 times for all the races excepting the Rally of Belgium.
ART. 9 - CLASSESThe classes without distinction of group are the following: - Up to 1600 cc. - Over 1600 cc.
ART. 10 - FINAL RESULTS- ABSOLUTE RESULTS - CLASS RESULTS up to 1600 cc. – over 1600 cc. (without distinction of group). To be classified in the final results: - the 1st driver entered for CERP must take part at least in 3 races; one of them abroad choosen among the races described in the calendar. For “participation” we intend the transit through CO. nr. 1. - it is compulsory for the 1st driver to take part to the 18th Rally of the European Police Forces – Alto Friuli (Italy) – 7th and 8th May 2004. - the best 5 scores obtained during the Challenge will be considered valid for the final score.
ART. 11 - PRIZES Each event in calendar can foresee, at Organizer’s discretion, a reserved classification with prizes. The final Prize giving includes Honour Prizes. - The 1st driver totalising the greatest absolute score will be proclaimed winner of the 6th Challenge Europeo Rally Polizie - CERP 2004. The winner will receive the Honour Prize and the free entry for CERP 2005. The first 5 “absolute” drivers and co-drivers and the first 3 foreign drivers and co-drivers will also be awarded Honour Prizes. The ACNFP reserves itself the right to award prize money in Euro or petrol coupons which amount and assignment methods will be communicated by circular letter. The A.C.N.F.P. engages itself to distribute them among the participants having before deducted the fiscal deductions according to the law. The A.C.N.F.P. reserves itself the authority to award special prizes in accordance to rules established by the A.C.N.F.P. itself. A Circular letter will communicate the date and place of the prize giving.
ART. 12 – EX AEQUOIn case of equal score in the final classification, the prize will be given to the driver who has got the best absolute positions.
ART. 13 - CONTESTATION AND CHANGES OF THE REGULATIONSAll the cases which are not provided by these Regulations and which are connected with the participation in the Challenge will be unobjectionably settled up by the A.C.N.F.P. Board of Directors which will decide about each complaint or contestation that can arise from the interpretation and application of these Regulations.The A.C.N.F.P. reserves itself the right to inform, by circular letter, about possible changes, which are considered important to be inserted in these Regulations. These changes will be considered integral part of the Regulations.
Auto Club Nazionale delle Forze di Polizia
Via Gaeta 31 - 33100 - Udine (UD)
Tel. +39 0432.532705 - Fax +39 0432.236719
www.acn-forzepolizia.it - e-mail: policerally@acn-forzepolizia.it
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