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TROFEO FRIULI VENEZIA GIULIA 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 settembre 2006 Udine / Slovenia / Austria / Trieste |
6th TROFEO FRIULI VENEZIA GIULIA Old-Timer Cars Rally 6th INTERNATIONAL CAR AND MOTOR-BIKE RALLY OF THE POLICE FORCES Rally for modern service cars and motor-bikes 8th, 9th and 10th of September 2006-08-18
Art. 1. Purpose, description and data The Auto Club Nazionale delle Forze di Polizia (ACNFP) with the cooperation of the Municipalities of Trieste and Udine, with the support of the Ministry of Interior, of the Autonomous Friuli Venezia Giulia Region, of the Provinces of Udine and Trieste of the Municipalities of Udine and Tarvisio, of the UNESCO Club of Udine, organizes a Rally for Old-Timer Cars and for Modern Service Cars and Motor-Bikes of the Police Forces. This event foresees the meeting of the participants at Udine where they start for a route, driving all together, according to a compulsory fixed speed average, observing the driving rules. The events, called ”6th Trofeo Friuli Venezia Giulia” and “6th Auto Moto Raduno Internazionale delle Forze di Polizia” will take place on the 8th 9th and 10th of September 2006 on the public roads of the provinces of Udine, Gorizia and Trieste, with a transit route through the neighbouring Republics of Austria and Slovenia.
Art. 2. Admitted vehicles To the “6th Trofeo Friuli Venezia Giulia” is admitted any kind of vehicle that was manufactured before the year 1982. It is up to the Organizing Committee the faculty to admit or not to the event the vehicles that do not pertain to the above mentioned classification, that could show peculiar characteristics of rarity and/or style. To the “6th Auto Moto Raduno Internazionale delle Forze di Polizia” is admitted the participation of any kind of modern car and motor-bike on active service of the Police Forces. Every wehicle has to be registered and has to be in such a condition to conform to the drive on public roads.
Art. 3. Identification badge Every vehicle will be equipped with an identification badge, that will be indicated on the Route Sheet also. The participants has to put the said badge on the highest point of the right corner of the front glass of the car and/or on the motor-bike windscreen.
Art. 4. Drivers On each vehicle, beside the registered driver, is admitted just and only one passenger. Exclusively the registered driver is allowed to drive his enrolled vehicle. Any infringement will automatically exclude the participation of the team from the event. The participants are responsible for any action they could run into during the rally.
Art. 5. Starts, route and various The participants will meet on the 8th of September 2006, at 08:30 at UDINE, PIAZZA LIBERTA’, in order of being able to start the route of the first day. On the 09th of September 2006, at 08:00 o’clock, they will be present at KLAGENFURT, NEUER PLATZ for starting the route of the second day, following the indications, written on the Route Sheet and on the Road Maps, here enclosed. R o u t e s : FIRST DAY: Udine – Cividale del Friuli – Idrija (SLO), - Ljubljana (SLO) – Velden (A). SECOND DAY: Klagenfurt (A) – Tarvisio (I) – Sella Nevea – Venzone - Udine – Gorizia – Trieste. Along the route there will take place several Transit Checks (C.T.). In case of road obstructions or due to circumstances beyond the control of the Organizer, the Organizing Committee has the right to modify the concerned route. All the participants will conscientiously observe the Road Code as well as all the traffic norms, the municipality rules and the particular regulations of the concerned Municipality Police.
Art. 6. Registration The application for registering has to be received by the Auto Club Nazionale delle Forze di Polizia (ACNFP), together with the payment of the participation fee, i.e. 50.00 €, within the 4th of September 2006. Address: I-33100 UDINE – Via Magenta 14 --- Phone and Fax: +39 (0) 432 600418 - E-mail: info@rallypolizie.com The whole registration fee can be paid cash or by cheque, by bank transfer to the bank: BANCA DI CIVIDALE – IT98 N O54-12300 c/c 036570406140 – CIVIIT2CXXX. If you do not pay cash, please enclose a copy of your payment receipt.
Art. 7. Route Sheet At the moment of the registration each participant will receive a Route Sheet showing: · The location of the checkpoint at the start and of the transit checkpoints during the route; · The maximum time, equal for every participant, at the arrival point; The Route Sheet has to be kept in the vehicle during the whole event and it has to be handed over personally by one of the participants at every checkpoint. Any alteration or violation of the Route Sheet implies the exclusion from the event. The Route Sheet has to be handed over at the end of each leg, contrariwise the team will be excluded from the event. Each participant has to show the Sheet at the different checkpoints and he is responsible for the contents in it.. By missing of any single checkpoint and arrival mark (C.T.) will cause a penalty. Staff members only are allowed to mark the Route Sheet.
Art. 8. Car and Document Checking The participants have to be present on Thursday, the 7th of September 2006 from 2:30 pm up to 3:30 pm or on Friday, the 8th of September 2006 at the Sala Ajace, (Municipality Hall), located in the central part of Udine, piazza Libertà, in order of accomplishing the following formalities:
· Driver and passenger identification · Vehicle identification · Driving licence checking
Art. 9. Course of the event The participants, starting from the car checkpoint, are obliged to follow exclusively the route as indicated on the Route Sheet up to the arrival point.Along the route there will be random stamp checkings. In Austria and Slovenia the route will take place under the control and escort of the concerned Police.
Art. 10. Rally meeting points - UDINE (I), piazza Libertà: Start of the 1st leg - VELDEN (A), Casino Velden: arrival of the 1st leg - KLAGENFURT (A), Neuer Platz: Start of the 2nd leg - TRIESTE (I), piazza Unità d’Italia: arrival of the 2nd leg All the participants have to be present at the indicated rally meeting points in order of receiving and/or giving back the Route Sheet.
Art. 11. Start and Arrival Time Limit at the Checkpoints (C.T.) 1st day: 252.00 km leg Start at Udine (C.T.) – Piazza Libertà, from 8:oo AM up to 8:15 AM (max. time) Arrival at Velden (C.T.) – Casino, from 5:00 PM up to 17:15 PM (max. time) 2nd day: 242.00 km leg Start at Klagenfurt, Neuer Platz (C.T.), from 8:oo AM up to 8:15 AM (max. time) Arrival at Trieste, Piazza Unità d’Italia (C.T.), from 5:00 PM up to 17:45 PM (max. time) Every checkpoint (C.T.), foreseen in some intermediate points also, will be indicated by means of a special sign, placed 25 metres before it. The participants have to stop in order of marking the transit stamp on their Route Sheet. The participants have to be present at the meeting points in order of receiving and/or give back the Route Sheet.
Art. 12. No Stopping In the 25 meters preceding the Transit and/or Stamp Check Points it is forbidden to drive back or to reverse, to open the car doors and to hinder the actions of any driver.
Art. 13. Classification and Prizes - Penalties in the 1st leg - Penalties in the 2nd leg - Penalties during the whole event - Female team - Foreign team Special Prizes - Youngest participant - Oldest participant - Oldest vehicle - Participant, coming from the most far away locality The special prizes will be awarded on the discretion of the Organizing Committee. The prizes will be awarded during the ceremony that will take place on Sunday, the 10th of September 2006 at 12:30 at the theatre “Teatro Verdi” in Trieste. The prizes, that will not be collected by the concerned participant during the official prize-award ceremony, will be considered property of the Organizer.
Art. 14. Informative Circular Letters The Organizing Committee has the right to inform in due time, by means of circular letters, all the participants, letting them know by writing any necessary information and/or explanation that the Organizing Committee will deem correct for a better enforcement of these contents.
Art. 15. General Rules Through the registration , each participant declares to accept and to know the event’s regulations, observing them. The participant decvlares to renounce in any case to apply to Referees or Courts or events concerning the organization and arising during the course of the event, confirming that the only competent jurisdiction body is the Italian Sport Car Commission (CSAI). By any possible dispute concerning the interpretation of these contents, the Italian text only will be taken into consideration.
Art. 16. Organizing Committee The members of the Organizing Committee As.C.O. Motorclub Forze di Polizia are: Chairman: Mr. Angelo ROSSI – Vice-Chairman: Mr. Dario SALVADOR – Council-Members: Mr. Cristiano BOLZAN, Mr. Vittorio BRUNO, Mr. Luciano PATRIARCA
Art. 17. Organizing Staff Interpreters/Translators: Mr. Antonio GALVAGNA – Mr. Mario SAMBUCCO Collaborators: Mr. Giuseppe FAILLA, Mr. Nicola BANDINO, Mr. Renzo PONTARINI, Mr. Guido ROLFO, Mr. Domenico TOSCANO, Mr. Daniele ZIRALDO.
FOR ACCEPTANCE, APPROVED Il Delegato Regionale della CSAI Mrs. Ornella Cargnelli Tomat
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