lungo la via Julia Augusta
8° Trofeo Friuli Venezia Giulia - Raduno per auto storiche


FERRARI 250 GTE del 1962 (ex Polizia)


Raduno per auto storiche fino al 1986

2.3.4 ottobre 2009

Grado - Aquileia - Udine - Cassacco - Tolmezzo - Arta Terme - Zuglio - Udine







lungo la via Julia Augusta”

(TROPHY AQUILEIA- JULIUM CARNICUM Along the roman road Julia Augusta)

8th International Meeting of the Polices Forces (for service motorcycles and cars)

8th Trophy Friuli Venezia Giulia International vintage cars meeting

Grado/Aquileia/Udine/Cassacco/Tolmezzo/Arta Terme/Zuglio/Udine

October 2nd,3rd, 4th 2009


Dear Sirs,


I am advising you as Chairman of the Auto Club Nazionale delle Forze di Polizia, with seat in Udine via Magenta, 14 that we are organizing two events: the 8th Trophy Venezia Giulia vintage cars meeting and the 8th International Meeting of the Police Forces.

They are two events that will take place at the same time and along the same roads with both vintage cars and of private owners and vintage cars and service motorcycles and cars of Italian and foreign Police Forces.

The event are supported by the Police Headquarters of Gorizia and Udine.

We hope also this year the Chief of the Italian Police, Prefetto Manganelli, will give the patronage and offer the presence of the Official Police Band, furthermore  the presence of crews with Official bikes, cars. We hope also to have  the fastest car in service: the Lamborghini Gallardo.

We also obtained, for the past and requested for the next  edition the patronage of the Ministry of Interior,  the patronage of  to the Region Friuli Venezia Giulia and  the  towns interested by the events. 

Police-crews in uniform from Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, Germany, Greece, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Poland, Russia, Ukraine, Slovakia, Slovenia, Hungary, took part to the previous editions in the spirit of friendship, peace of the “Police among the people” for better acknowledge and cooperation among the new European Union.

Just like last year also for this edition the theme of these events is: the roman roads. This year we are going to drive along the Julia Augusta and I am asking you and the members of your club to take part to this particular, special touristy and sport appointment. We can consider it a meeting among friends, who bring new friend and meet other persons you can make friend with.

Following your suggestions we are organizing a shorter and slower route, with fewer legs, with the private cars travelling together with the cars of the Police Forces.

The route offers you the possibility for historical visits but it will not be an “educational tour” and for further information some brochures will be at the teams disposal. Also gastronomic such as musical and ludic moments are foreseen. 

 As during the previous editions there will be the official presence of military and civilian Authority and to help the competitors there will be a break down van.

This year there will be a novelty: each private car will be coupled with a team of the Police Forces, which is going to escort it during the route. Moreover the coupled teams will take part in a treasure hunt, which will take place in Grado and in Aquileia. The winners are the two coupled teams with the highest score.

The program (not yet completed) is:

-         Friday, October 2nd: arrival in Grado of the crews, accommodation at the Hotel Fonzari**** , supper and treasure hunt; meeting with the authorities and concert of the Official Brass Band of the Italian Police

-         Saturday, October 3rd:  departure from Grado to Aquileia for the Official Start of the rallies. We will drive along the first part of the roman road Julia Augusta driving through Cervignano and Palmanova to Udine for the first stop. Then we will continue to Tricesimo and Cassacco, where we stop for lunch at Villa Gallici Deciani. After lunch we will drive through Gemona and Tolmezzo to reach Arta Terme for the Gala Evening.

-         Sunday, October 4th: departure from Arta Terme to Zuglio (Iulium Carnicum) for the guided sightseeing of the Archaeological Museum and the site. Then back to Udine and arrival on the Castle Hill for lunch, prize-giving and final greetings with goodbye to 2010.

 Here enclosed I send you the cost of the participation and beg, to send, to the address here below, 100 euros as confirmation of your participation to satisfy the requests of the hotels reservations within 2009 06 20th.


Bank address: BANCA DI CIVIDALE  IBAN IT 98 N 05484 12300 036570406140 –

SWIFT:  CIVIIT 2 C XXX -  Auto Club Nazionale delle Forze di Polizia.

For further info contact the site or

Waiting for your adhesion, I beg to remain


Yours faithfully

Angelo Rossi




·        adhesion form

·        economic proposal of participation

·        invitation .pdf

-   Invitation 1







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