Car Rally reserved to old cars


Car Rally for modern vehicles on active service

8th  - 9th – 10th - 11th  September 2005



01. Paragraph: Object, definition and date

The Auto Club Nazionale Forze di Polizia (ACNFP) with the sponsorship of the Ministry of the Interior, the Region Friuli Venezia Giulia, the Municipalities of Udine, Trieste, Tarvisio, the Province of Udine, the Club UNESCO of Udine, organises with the collaboration of the Municipality of Trieste a car rally for old vehicles and a car rally for modern vehicles on active service of the Police Forces.

The event has got the aim to gather participants in Udine and to start a common route without a compulsory average per hour, observing the Highway Code.

The events called “5° Trofeo Friuli Venezia Giulia” and “5° International Car and Motorbike Rally of the Police Forces” will take place on the 8th - 9th 10th - 11th September 2005 on the roads of the Provinces of Udine, Gorizia and Trieste with a transit in the neighbouring Republics of  Slovenia and Austria.


02 Paragraph:  Admitted cars

To the event “5h Trofeo Friuli Venezia Giulia” can be entered all the cars produced until 1982 (see art. 4.1 N.S. 23 – Period of classification A-B-C-D-E-F-G-H and I National and groups 1°-2°-3°-4°-5°-6°-7°). The Organising Committee can decide to admit also cars with different characteristics (owing to particular car features).

To the “5° International Car and Motorbike Rally of the Police Forces” can be entered all modern cars and motorbikes on active service of the Police Forces.

All cars must be in conformity to the Highway Code.


03 Paragraph:  Numbers of  Partecipation

For each car will be assigned a number, that will be indicated in the “route-sheet”

Each driver have to affix the number, in the measure of two units, on the front door; and  the motorbike on the side of the back mudguard (or travelling case)


04 Paragraph:  Admitted Competitors and Drivers

For each car entered for the rally there must be a driver and only one adult passenger; only the driver, which name is specified in the entry form is allowed to drive the car.

The crews, which infringe this regulation, will be suspended from the event.

Both driver and passenger must fasten the safety belts.

The participants are responsible for everything that can happen during the rally and which is within their control.


05 Paragraph: Start,  route and general features

The participants must gather in Udine in Piazza del Duomo, the 8th September 2005, for the start of the first leg of transfer  Route length: Km  91,00 Or in Piazza Unità d'Italia in Tarvisio, the 9th September 2005, for the start of the first leg and afterwards they have to follow a common route conforming to the instructions contained in the “Route-sheet” and in the “Route-map”.

The route is the following:

Leg of transfer: Udine – Gemona del Friuli – Carnia – Pontebba – Tarvisio.

1. Leg: Tarvisio – Thorl Maglern (A) – Villach – Ossiach – Moosburg – Krumpendorf – Klagenfurt – Kappel – Finkenstein – Arnoldstein – Tarvisio (I) – Passo Predil (SLO) – Bovec – Kobarid – Cividale del Friuli (I) – Udine

2. Leg: Udine – Palmanova – Cervignano del Friuli – Aquileia – Grado – Monfalcone – Jamiano  – Goriansko (SLO) – Rupin Piccolo (I) – Prosecco - Trieste

Along the common route will be placed Transit Checks (C.T.)

In case of roads blocking or in case of circumstances beyond the Organisers' control the Organising Committee reserves itself the right to change the route.


06 Paragraph: Entries

The entries and a part of the entrance fee amounting to € 50,00 must be sent within 08.09.05 to the following address:  Auto Club Nazionale Forze di Polizia – Via Gaeta 31 – 33100 UDINE – Italia - tel./fax +39.0432.532705 – e mail: info@rallypolizie.com

The whole entrance fee can be paid by cash or by cheque or by a deposit in the postal account or by bank transfer; in these last cases it is necessary to send the entry form with a copy of the payment receipt.


07 Paragraph: Route-sheet

During the check the participants will receive a “Route-sheet” containing following information:

- location of the “arrival check” and of the “transit check” along the route;

- arrival time limit (the same for all crews)

-                      the “Route-sheet” must always be kept in the car during the event and it must be produced at all checkpoints;

-                      every falsification of the “Route-sheet” implies the suspension from the car rally;

-                      the “Route-sheet” must be returned back to the Organisers at the end of each leg;

-                     if the crews will not return the “Route-sheet” back at the end of the legs they will be suspended from the event;

-                     the participants are responsible for the submission of the “Route-sheet” and for its content;

-                     only the members of the staff are allowed to affix the transit stamp.


08 Paragraph:  Cars and papers checks

The participants must arrive in Udine in Piazza Duomo on Thuesday, 8th  September 2005 from 14.00 tillo'clock or in Piazza Unità d'Italia in Tarvisio on  Friday, 9th September 2005 from 08.00 to 08.25 o'clock to accomplish following formalities:

-Driver and Passenger identification

-Car identification

-Driving licence check


09 Paragraph:  Event

The participants after having left the place where the car checks take place must pass trough the transit checks specified in the “Route-sheet”.

The participants must observe the Highway Code and all the traffic regulations; this includes also the municipal regulations and the local Police Forces’ special ordinances.



10 Paragraph: Places of Rally

The car rally will take place in Udine in Piazza Duomo for the start of the first leg of transfer, in Tarvisio in Piazza Unità d’Italia for the arrival of the leg of transfer and the departure of the first leg; in Udine in piazza Duomo, respectively, for the arrival of the first leg and the departure of the second leg, in Trieste in Piazza Unità d'Italia for the arrival of the second leg.

The participants must gather in the specified places of arrival to receive or to return the “Route-sheet” back to the Organisers.


11 Paragraph:  Arrival and start time limit

Casella di testo:  



                Leg of transfer of km  91,00             (without penality)


C.O1 Udine – Piazza Duomo from 18.00

C.O2 Tarvisio – Piazza Unità d'Italia from 19.50

Casella di testo:  



First leg of km  249,85


C.O. 01  Tarvisio – Piazza Unità d'Italia from  08,30

C.O. 02  Udine piazza Duomo from 17.30 till 18.00

Casella di testo:  




       Second leg of km  134,05


C.O.  01   Udine  - Piazza Duomo from 09.00

C.O.  02   Trieste – Piazza Unità d'Italia from 17.00



Checkpoints will be indicated by special signal preceded by a warning sign placed 25 meters before the checkpoint.

At each checkpoint the crews must stop to have the transit stamp affixed on their “Route-sheet”.

The participants must gather in the specified places of arrival to receive or to return the “Route-sheet” back to the Organisers.


 12 Paragraph: precision timing checks

There will be 2 precision timing checks on a distance of  2+800 km in the 1st leg in the Municipality of Pulfero and Km.0,300 in the  2nd leg in Udine, with a speed limit, respectively, of 35 Km per hour and 25 Km per hour

It is forbidden to stop, to reatreat and to reverse along  the time way.

There will be two precisions checks traced with the skittles: one in the 1^leg in Klagenfurt (A) - “parking Minimundus”, the other in the second leg in Monfalcone (I) – “industrial area”

The general classification will be drafted on the base of the penalties (N.S. 23 Cap. 5 – Annuario CSAI).


13 Paragraph: No stopping

It is forbidden to reverse, to open the car doors and to obstruct the other crews in the 25 meters preceding the C.T. and/or the transit checks.


                       14Paragraph:  Classification and Prize giving

At the end of the event following classification will be drafted (depending on the penalties):

                  Penalties in the 1st leg

                 Penalties in the 2nd leg

                 Penalties during the whole event

                 A.S.I. Crew

                  Female crew

                  Foreign crew

There will be also following special prizes:

                 Youngest participant

                 Oldest participant

                  Oldest car

                 Participant coming from the farthest city


Special Prizes will be given at Organisers discretion.

The Prize giving will take place in the Council Chamber of the Town Hall of Trieste on Sunday, 11th September starting from 12.30 o’clock.

The prizes not drawn by the participants during the prize giving are property of the Organisers.


15 Paragraph:  Informative reports

The Organising Committee will inform in good time all the participants about new regulations or explanations referring to the pursuance of these regulations through information reports.


 16 Paragraph:  General Rules

When the participants enter for the rally they state that they know and accept the General Regulations, these event regulations, the regulations of the International and National Sports Codes, and that they undertake to respect them and to make them respected.

They state also that they renounce to apply to Referees or to Courts for events depending on the Organising Committee and for events that can happen during the course of the rally, and they state they recognise the CSAI as the only competent jurisdiction.


17 Paragraph:  Organising Committee

Members of the As. C.O. Motorclub Forze di Polizia  Organising Committee are:

President: Rossi Angelo – Vice President: Salvador Dario

Members: Bolzan Cristiano, Bruno Vittorio, Patriarca Luciano.

Race Secretary: Reggio Pierpaolo.

Interpreter: Galvagna Antonio, Sambucco Mario


Auto Club Nazionale Forze di Polizia


               Angelo Rossi





CSAI’s Regional Delegate

Ornella Cargnelli Tomat