FERRARI 250 GTE del 1962 (ex Polizia)


Raduno per auto storiche (entro 1978)

8 - 9 - 10 - 11 settembre 2005

Udine / Austria / Slovenia / Trieste



Time and distances schedule

Regulations 2005

Entry Form (Word)


(for service cars and motorbikes)

            5th TROFEO FRIULI VENEZIA GIULIA (car rally for historical cars)

3rd “No Borders Cup” (I-A-SLO)

Udine(I)/Tarvisio (I)/Klagenfurt (A)/Tarvisio/Kobarid (Slo)/Udine/Grado/Trieste

8th – 9th – 10th - 11th September 2005


We have been organizing a successful event in collaboration with the Municipality of Trieste for many years.

In the precedent editions of the event took part besides the Italian Police Forces also foreign Police Forces crews coming from Austria, Bulgaria, Slovenia, Croatia, Greece, Latvia, Lithuania, Russia and Hungary, and this year the Auto Club Nazionale Forze di Polizia and the Municipality of Trieste are already at work to organize the 5th edition of the above mentioned event, which is going to take place from 8th till 11th of September.


We are going to propose again two different events: the International Car and Motorbike Rally of the Police Forces to which can take part all foreign and Italian Police Forces (Carabinieri, State Police, Revenue Guard Corps, Town Police Forces, Penitentiary Police Forestry Service, Fire-brigade, Armed Forces) on active duty, in uniform with service cars or motorbikes; and the TROFEO FRIULI VENEZIA GIULIA “Car Rally reserved to old cars” opened to everybody who has got old cars (not necessarily Police cars).


The content and the spirit of both events are the same of the past editions and we can consider them a real “institutional event” of international value. The Municipality of Trieste is proud to be one of the promoters of these rallies, for several reasons. On the one hand we can’t forget that on the 1st of May 2004 Slovenia and other 9 countries entered the European Community and the International Car and Motorbike Rally of the Police Forces represents a sports, cultural and tourist moment to promote solidarity and peace joining together Police Forces and private citizens.

On the other hand the Town of Trieste thanks to its central position has the possibility to be again the meeting point of populations of different cultures and to promote a spirit of peace.


This is the reason why the organizers also this year have asked the sponsorship of the Ministry of the Interior of the Italian Republic, of the Region Friuli Venezia Giulia, of the Provinces of Udine and Trieste and of the Municipalities of Udine and Tarvisio.


The Auto Club Nazionale delle Forze di Polizia, responsible for technical organization, assures the great care for the success of these events, satisfying the desire to organize a “No Borders Car Rally”.






8-9-10-11 September 2005


The program is the following (changes will be possible):


·       Thursday, 8th September 2005:

arrival of the participants in Udine. Entries of the crews, meeting with the Authorities and transfer to Tarvisio.

·       Friday, 9thSeptember 2005 – 1^ leg

Tarvisio/Klagenfurt/Tarvisio/Slovenia/Cividale del Friuli/Udine

·       Saturday, 10th September 2005 – 2^ leg

Udine/Aquileia/Grado/Iamiano/Slovenia/Rupin Grande/Trieste

·       Sunday,  11th September 2005 – 3^ leg

Trieste with a guided tour of Miramare Castle




Friday, 9thSeptember 2005:

       TARVISIO                             Piazza Unità d'Italia from 8.00 till 8.25: entries

                 At 8.30: Piazza Unità d'Italia-start of the 1st leg

·       ARNOLDSTEIN (A)                   At 9.00: Visit of the Centre for the

          Co-ordination of the Police Forces.

·       KLAGENFURT (A)                    At 10.30: MINIMUNDUS: trial of ability

·       KLAGENFURT (A)                    At 11.30: Buffet in the historical centre

·       KLAGENFURT (A)                    At 13.30: Departure

·       TARVISIO (Italia)                     Transit

·       CAVE DEL PREDIL    (I)            Slovenia-Transit

·       BOVEC (SLO)                         At 15.00: Stop for a snack.

          At 15.30:  Departure

·       KOBARID (SLO)                      At 16.00.  Italy – trial of average

·       CIVIDALE DEL FRIULI   (I)        Transit

·       UDINE       (I)                        At 17.30: historical centre – stop/dinner and overnight stay


Saturday, 10th September 2005:

·       UDINE        (I)                            At 9.00: start of the 2nd leg – trial of average

·       AQUILEIA                             At 10.30: Visit of the Roman Basilica

                                           At 12.00:  buffet at the CA'TULLIO cellar

                                           At 13.30: Departure

GRADO                                  Transit

·       MONFALCONE                       At 14.30:Trial of ability

·       IAMIANO                             Slovenia – transit

·       RUPIN GRANDE–MONRUPINO    Italy at 16.00

·       TRIESTE                                    At 17.30: Arrival of the 2nd leg

                                         At 19.15: In Piazza Unità d'Italia performance of the bands of the Austrian                                                         Police Forces and of the Italian Police Forces

                                          At 21.00: Gala dinner – overnight stay


Sunday,  11th September 2005:

·       TRIESTE                                    At 9.00: Piazza Unità d'Italia: flag-hoisting

                                          At 9.15: visit of the  Miramare Castle

                                          At 11.30-11.45: Barcola: Piazza 11 settembre ceremony

                                          At 12.30. Town Hall – Council Chamber: prize–giving and official greeting 

                                              At 13.30: Piazza Unità – Buffet at Caffè degli Specchi                                  


ENTRANCE FEE: € 50,00 – Average per hour: Km/h 40-50


RATES: (in case of self-organized trip the rates are not compulsory – expect for the entrance fee)

A) 4 days (3 nights): Arrival in Udine on Thursday, 8th September

€ 535,00 for 2 persons

 In the rate are included:            

- entrance fee

- Thursday, 8th September: dinner and overnight stay in a three stars hotel in Tarvisio

- Friday 9th September: KLAGENFURT (A) Buffet-dinner and overnight stay in a three stars  

                                      hotel in UDINE

- Saturday 10th September: AQUILEIA buffet in a cellar, dinner and overnight stay in a four

                                            stars hotel in TRIESTE

- Sunday 11th September: guided tour and BUFFET


B) 3 days (2 nights): Arrival in Tarvisio at 8.00 on Friday 9th September

€ 445,00 for 2 persons

In the rate is included everything described in section A, except for the overnight stay in Tarvisio.



- The rates for only one person will be estimated separately, dividing the above mentioned prices (without entrance fee) and adding the additional charge for single rooms for overnight stay;

- Extras and everything not described aren’t included in the rates.


ADMITTED CARS: cars produced within 1978. The Organizing Committee can decide to admit cars built after 1978 owing to particular car features.

CLASSIFICATION: there will be some precision timing checks on a distance of 1 km with a speed limit of 35 Km per hour.

The general classification will be drafted on the base of the penalties.

There will be the classification for each day and the final classification.

PRIZE GIVING: with Honour Prizes.

Every participant will receive a GADGET of the event with typical products of the Region Friuli Venezia Giulia.


Owing to organizing reasons (hotel reservations) we would be very grateful if you could send us a confirmation of your participation within the 30th June 2005.

The above mentioned offers can be changed at request.


We hope to meet you in September and awaiting of hearing from you soon, we remain

Yours faithfully


THE TOWN COUNCILLOR                                                         THE PRESIDENT ACNFP

       Fulvio Sluga                                                                                                     Angelo Rossi



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