FERRARI 250 GTE del 1962 (ex Polizia)


Raduno per auto storiche fino al 1986

3 - 4 - 5  ottobre 2008

Padova - Concordia Sagittaria - Aquileia - Grado - Trieste






TROFEO PATAVIUM-TERGESTE lungo le vie Annia e Gemina

(TROPHY PATAVIUM - TERGESTE Along the roman roads Annia  and Gemina)

7th International Bike-Cars Service Meeting of the Polices Forces

7th Trophy Friuli Venezia Giulia International vintage cars meeting

Padova-Concordia Sagittaria-Aquileia-Grado-Trieste

October 3rd 4th 5th 2008



To the Chairmen

Vintage Car Club


Dear Sir,


I am advising you as Chairman of the Auto Club Nazionale delle Forze di Polizia reserved to the members or former members of the national forces of Polices with seat in Udine via Magenta, 14 promoter and organizer of the event named 7th Trophy Venezia Giulia vintage cars meeting. This event will take place together with the 7th Cars-Bikes meeting of the International Forces of Polices (service cars and bikes) supported by the Police Headquarters of Padova, Gorizia and Trieste.


The Chief of the Italian Police has given the patronage and offered the presence of the Official Police Band, furthermore  the presence of crews with Official bikes, cars. We will have, also,  the mobile-school -bus and mini-track with quads , bikes and the fastest car in service the Lamborghini Gallardo.

We also obtained, for the past and requested for the next  edition the patronage of the Ministry of Interior,  the patronage of  to the Region Veneto and  the  towns interested by our event. 


Police-crews, on their official coloured cars and bikes or vintage cars, and citizen arrived on their vintage cars, from Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, Germany, Greece, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Russia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Hungary, took part to the previous editions organized in cooperation with the Council of Trieste, in the spirit of friendship, peace of the “Police among the people” for better acknowledge and cooperation among the new European Union.


For this purpose I am asking you and the members of your club to take part to this particular, special touristy and sport appointment. To effort your participation the Organizing Committee will offer special fee for the clubs with more than 5 crews.

Furthermore of the presence of the crews arriving from all Europe, the Organizing Committee is planning special cultural moments that could satisfy your curiosity and knowledge of this Italian corner.


The program (not yet completed) is:

October 3rd arrival in Padova of the crews, touristy sightsee, with guide, of the town,

Free entrance to the concert of the Official Brass Band of the Italian Police.

October 4th departure from Padova and along the Brenta River to Marghera, to Altino, Concordia Sagittaria, Aquileia, Grado along the ancient roman roads Annia and Gemina.

October 5th from Grado to Treste; arrival in the superb Piazza Unità d’Italia facing he Adriatic Sea. Lunch, prize-giving and final greetings with goodbye to 2009.


As during the previous editions there will be the official presence of military and civilian Authority and to help the competitors on vintage cars there will be a break down van.

Here enclosed I send you the cost of the participation and beg, to send, to the address here below, 100 euros as confirmation of your participation to satisfy the requests of the hotels reservations within 2008 06 30th.


For further info contact the site or

Waiting for your adhesion, I beg to remain


Yours faithfully

Angelo Rossi



·        adhesion form

·        economic proposal of participation




Bank address: Banca di Cividale IBAN    IT 98 N 05484 12300 036570406140 – CIVIIT 2C XXX   Auto Club Nazionale delle Forze di Polizia.



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