FERRARI 250 GTE del 1962 (ex Polizia)


Raduno per auto storiche fino al 1986

3 - 4 - 5  ottobre 2008

Padova - Concordia Sagittaria - Aquileia - Grado - Trieste



Program and proposals of presence to the meeting

“PATAVIUM – TERGESTE along the ways ANNIA and GEMINA” October 3rd ,4th,5th 2008



Wednesday  October 3rd 2008  at 2,30 p.m.  meeting in Padova by Hotel Mantegna ****

-Registration arrival of teams

-Tour in the city

-Concert of the “Fanfara of the State Police”

-Dinner and overnight stay Hotel Mantegna **** (

Saturday October 4th 2008 Padova

-at 9 a.m. start from the Square of the Saint’s Basilica



-Snack at half afternoon

-Dinner in Grado

-Overnight stay in Grado Hotel Fonzari**** (

Sunday October 5th 2008 GRADO

-9 a.m. start

-In Aquileia visit at the Roman harbour

-Lunch in Trieste

-Prize giving


Saturday October 4th 2008 PADOVA

-9 a.m. start from the square of the Saint’s Basilica



-Snack at half afternoon

-Dinner in Grado

-Overnight stay in Grado Hotel Fonzari (

Sunday October 5th  2008 GRADO


-In Aquileia visit at the Roman harbour

-Lunch in Trieste

-Prize giving


PRICE PROPOSAL “A” (3 days two nights)

-Two people in double or twin room  € 650,00

-ASI members € 585,00

-Clubs with at least 5 cars € 555,00

-One person in single room € 450,00

-ASI members € 410,00

-Clubs with at least 5 cars € 380,00 each

PRICE PROPSAL “B” (two days one night)- arrival at start in Padova

                                           (no dinner and no overnight stay in Padova)

-Two people in double room € 480,00

-ASI members € 440,00

-Clubs with at least 5 cars € 410,00 each

-One person in single room € 335,00

-ASI members € 310,00

-Clubs with at least 5 cars € 295 each

SUBSCRIPTION  € 50( already included in proposals) - DEPOSIT: € 100,00 by May 2008 31st – Bank of Cividale 

IBAN   IT98N0548412300036570406140



Office: ACNFP via Magenta 14 I 33100 Udine Tel/fax +39.0432.600418 -


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